
This command allows you to mimic movement across a touch screen. This is useful for swiping components such as cards, carousels and bottom sheets.

Note: to move around a screen, you may prefer the scroll command.


Using the direction shortcut

For simple swipes, simply pass a direction:

⬆️ UP - swipes up from the centre of the screen to the top of the screen.

⬇️ DOWN - swipes down from the centre of the screen to the bottom of the screen

⬅️ LEFT - swipes from right to left of the screen

➡️ RIGHT - swipes from left to right of the screen

For example:

- swipe:
    direction: DOWN

Setting swipe speed

By default, the test runner will perform the swipe over 400 ms. That's the time it takes to get from start to end.

However, you may specify a custom speed (in milliseconds) using the duration command. For example, if you wanted to test a slow 2-second swipe:

- swipe:
    direction: RIGHT
    duration: 2000

Specifying start and end coordinates

If you need more control, you can tell the runner to use specific coordinates.

For example, with percentage-based coordinates:

- swipe:
    start: 80%,80%  #bottom right
    end: 20%,20%    #top left

Or using pixel-based coordinates:

- swipe:
    start: 400,220  #middle right
    end: 100,220    #middle left

NB: avoid pixel-based if possible as they don't translate to other screen sizes/viewports

Specifying a start element using 'from'

If you need to target a specific view or component with your swipe command, then you can specify a starting selector using the from option.

For example, paired with the direction shortcut:

- swipe:
       text: "swipe from this text"
     direction: DOWN

Or with the end coordinate:

- swipe:
       text: "swipe from this text"
     end: 50%,10%



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