
Taps on an element using a selector.


Tap on text

- tapOn:
    text: "some text"

Tap on an element with ID

- tapOn:
    id: "some-id"

Tap on a point in the top left corner of the screen

- tapOn:
    point: 10%,10%

Tap on a point in the center of the screen

- tapOn:
    point: 50%,50%

Repeating Taps

If you need to tap multiple times, make use of the repeat option:

- tapOn:
    id: "some-id"
    repeat: 4

By default, taps will occur 100 milliseconds apart; you can change this using the delay option:

- tapOn:
    id: "some-id"
    repeat: 2
    delay: 300

Note: for a double tap, you may prefer the doubleTapOn command

Retry Tap If No Change

If the test runner does not detect a view change after an tapOn command, then it will automatically tap again.

On Android, this sometimes manifests as a double tap which can cause issues in your test steps.

You can disable this behaviour by setting the retryTapIfNoChange option to false:

- tapOn:
    id: "submit-button"
    retryTapIfNoChange: false

Wait to Settle Timeout

By default, the runner will dynamically wait for any animations to finish before executing a command. This ensures that the screen is stable, and any content is loaded, before proceeding. The argument waitToSettleTimeoutMs will force override the wait after a configured number of milliseconds.

However, in some cases, this might be undesirable behaviour such as with animation-heavy apps.

- tapOn:
    id: "submit-button"
    waitToSettleTimeoutMs: 500 # waits 500ms for screen to be settle before executing



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