
Automatically contains the iOS BundleID or Android Package Name. This is particularly useful when executing cross platform tests as the Moropo runner will automatically. When authoring a new test Moropo will include ${BUNDLEID} in the Test Configuration by default. This means any tests you write will automatically be suitable to run cross-platform.

What does it contain?

Dependant on platform

  • For iOS it contains the relevant app Bundle ID

  • For Android it contains the relevant app Package Name

e.g. org.wikipedia


In script mode

appId: ${BUNDLEID}
- launchApp: ${BUNDLEID}

In step mode

This script snippet is set up to launch the app the test run one was triggering from. We can run this code on an iOS or Android build and the app would launch.

When is it set?

The variable is set when you upload the first build of your app, for iOS and Android respectively.

If you need to change this after it has been set we suggest creating a new app from within Moropo, or contacting support@moropo.com.

Last updated