Uploading Your Build To Moropo

Note: this step requires a .apk or .app.zip build file for your Android or iOS app.

For guidance on how to produce the correct build, please read each guide:

Producing an Android Build Producing an iOS Build

Uploading your app to Moropo is straightforward:

  1. Go to the builds page in your Moropo dashboard.

  2. Press the Upload New Build button in the top-right corner.

  3. Upload a .apk for Android or a .app.zip for iOS by either:

    1. Dragging and dropping the file from your file system into the upload box;

    2. or by pressing Select File and choosing the .apk or .app.zip from your file system.

  4. Press Upload Build.

  5. See the uploaded build in the list.

How do I download a previously uploaded build?

On the right-hand side of each build is a download button; press this to down the .apk or .app.zip file to your downloads folder.

How do I delete a build?

On the right-hand side of each build is a delete button; press this to remove the build from Moropo. Please note this action is permanent. If you wish to use this build again, you must re-upload it to Moropo.

Last updated